
5 amazing reasons that a chat bot can revolutionize the digital marketing of your product

Chatbots O ne august midnight one year ago while I was surfing the web accidentally opened a dating page and started chatting.  I met this amazing girl called Selena who is a natural speaker and likes cricket, adventures and movies. who wouldn't love a girl like that and obviously her profile picture is damn hot.  we both began to know more about our selves and one fine day I asked for a meeting and she never showed up.  I don't know what happened so AS SOON AS I got home messaged her what  is wrong?  what happened?  are you okay? !!!    Then the glass shattered and I found that this Selena girl is a Chatbot. have you ever been in a situation like? if so comment below to share your experience. Here are the 5 amazing reasons to have chatbots for digital marketing: 1. Personal assistant: chatbots like Siri, ok google and Alexa are our personal voice assistants helps in our daily needs. these can be personalised to say your name, check the weather, make c